New MLP Training and Implementation Resources from the Kaiser Permanente Medical-Legal Partnership Initiative

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Over the last two years, Kaiser Permanente, with training and technical assistance from the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership and HealthBegins, opened five medical-legal partnerships in five different Kaiser Permanente markets. Through the course of building and standardizing practice across those MLPs, partners created a suite of training and implementation materials that can be adapted and used by MLPs across the country and across different healthcare settings. These resources include:


Nine trainings on housing-related legal topics that help front-line health care staff better identify issues and make quality referrals to the MLP legal team. Training topics include: affordable housing 101; eviction proceedings; eviction risk; habitability and repairs; illegal lockouts; reasonable accommodations; safe housing for survivors of intimate partner violence; section 8 rental assistance program; and SSI & SSDI disability benefits. There is also a worksheet to help MLPs create similar trainings on different topics. Download the MLP housing training materials.


Patient MLP legal journey training and job aid that explain what happens after a patient is referred to the medical-legal partnership legal team. It includes the types of legal interventions that exist and the different “dosages” a patient might need as well as how long it can take to resolve a patient’s legal issue. Download the patient MLP legal journey resources.


Sample MLP workflow training that walks through the process for referring a patient to the MLP legal team and what types of housing issues the legal team can help address. It also explains Curbside Consults and when front-line care staff should talk with the legal team before referring a patient. Download the sample workflow training.


Job aid for getting patient consent for MLP legal services that explains what type of consent front-line health care staff need to obtain from patients in different MLP situations and where to document it. It also includes a sample script for asking for patient consent. Download the consent job aid.


Job aid explaining the do’s and don’ts of Curbside Consults. Curbside Consults are conversations between a healthcare team member and the legal team to assess whether a situation with a patient is appropriate for referral to the legal team. Download the Curbside consult job aid.


Job aid outlining 10 ways physicians can help establish, grow, and sustain medical-legal partnership activities. This job aid can be adapted to work with other types of clinical leaders. Download the physician champion job aid.


Job aid describing important activities medical-legal partnership teams should engage in during regular check-in meetings. It also includes a sample agenda to guide MLP site teams as they set up these sessions. Download the MLP Office Hours job aid.


Guide outlining eight best practices for training staff on MLP topics. Download the guide.



These materials were created as part of Kaiser Permanente’s Medical-Legal Partnership Initiative in partnership with the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership, HealthBegins, and the legal aid partners at each of the five Kaiser Permanente MLPs: Colorado Legal Services, Legal Aid Services of Oregon, Legal Services of Northern California, Maryland Legal Aid, and Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County.