Thursday, October 20, 2022

“No Wrong Door” for Veterans: Veteran Cultural Competency Training for MLP Teams

Partnerships between health centers, the VA, and civil legal services providers help to ensure that Veterans can access health care through "no...Read More

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

VA Medical-Legal Partnerships: Implementation Guidance and Suggested Measures

This guide offers a framework for identifying the areas of VA MLP operations that may benefit from implementation guidance and potential measures for gauging MLP performance....Read More

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Expanding VA-housed legal clinics to serve Veterans

This issue brief highlights how VA-housed legal clinics can expand their work to serve more Veterans in a targeted manner by adopting best practices from medical-legal partnerships....Read More

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Brief: Assisting Veterans and service members with legal needs during VA transitions

This document describes the need for legal services among Veterans and concrete ways that a VA Transition Care Management (TCM) Program can connect Veterans to legal assistance....Read More