Sample Medical-Legal Partnership Workflow Training

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

By Kate Marple, Who Tells the Story? Kaiser Permanente, National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership, and HealthBegins

For a medical-legal partnership (MLP) to function smoothly, there must be efficient workflows that are effectively communicated to referring front-line healthcare staff. This sample training from Kaiser Permanente–which takes approximately 20 minutes to deliver–explains the process for referring a patient to the MLP legal team and what types of housing issues the legal team can help address. It also explains Curbside Consults and when front-line care staff should talk with the legal team before referring a patient.

While some of the information in this training is specific to Kaiser Permanente medical-legal partnerships, such as the referral procedure and list of issues the MLP legal team can address, the training serves as a sample for other MLPs about how to effectively communicate this information.

This training was created as part of Kaiser Permanente’s Medical-Legal Partnership Initiative in partnership with the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership and HealthBegins.