Friday, February 1, 2013

Article: Integrating legal services into care for veterans at a VA rehabilitation center

This article describes the collaboration between a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) community-based psychosocial rehabilitation center and a nonprofit legal center that primarily addresses the civil legal issues of veterans who have mental illness and/or are homeless. ...Read More

Monday, January 21, 2013

Bill: New York State Dept. of Health creates process to certify medical-legal partnerships

Under the amended New York State Public Health Law (PHL), section 22 now allows legal entities to register with the Department of Health as “health-related legal services programs.” New York is the first state to recognize medical-legal partnership as an important health intervention and create a process to certify programs....Read More

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Article: Identifying and treating a substandard housing cluster using medical-legal partnership

This article examines how a pediatric-based medical-legal partnership identified and treated a cluster of 16 substandard housing units. Of the 45 children living in those unit, 36 percent had asthma, 33 percent had developmental delay or behavioral disorder, and 9 percent had an elevated lead level. The MLP was able to make repairs to the majority of the units and improve home environmental conditions for these children....Read More

Monday, November 5, 2012

Article: Pilot study showed reduced patient stress after MLP services

An Arizona study assessed the stress levels of patients before and after receiving legal services, and found that MLP intervention led to a reduction in perceived stress and an improvement in overall wellbeing. ...Read More