Monday, January 27, 2020
The Social Determinants of Health Academy is a HRSA-funded virtual training series designed to help staff from health centers, health center controlled networks, and primary care associations develop, implement, and sustain SDOH interventions in their clinics and communities. The SDOH Academy’s website hosts dozens of free recorded trainings....Read More
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
This white paper examines three years (FY 2015-2017) of financial benefit to Seattle Children's Hospital and its patients as a result of medical-legal partnership services. The program recovered nearly $700,000 for the hospital, helped patients avoid over 100 days of hospital admissions, and helped 23 families gain $469,446 total in additional financial benefits....Read More
Monday, October 14, 2019
The AHEAD Medical-Legal Partnership Patient and Community Health Pre/Post Survey provides a core set of questions that assess the impact of legal interventions on a patient’s perception of her health and the quality of services receives from an MLP. The survey is designed for broad applicability across different intervention models and describes specific administration instructions for the pre- and post- surveys in detail....Read More
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Accelerating Health Equity, Advancing through Discovery (AHEAD) Medical-Legal Partnership Learner Pre/Post Survey includes a core set of questions used to examine the effect—on staff member knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs—of various types of education about social determinants of health and medical-legal partnerships....Read More