A new article in The State Journal-Register features the new medical-legal partnership in Springfield, Illinois — one of six programs that received HRSA enabling services funding in 2016.
“Medical-legal partnership aims to improve health, quality of life”
By Dean Olsen
“Helping low-income patients resolve problems with a landlord, get a divorce or qualify for federal disability benefits can improve overall health for them and their families just as much, and sometimes more, than a pill or surgery.
That philosophy, which stresses the importance of the “social determinants of health” — such as poverty and other circumstances in which people live and work — led Southern Illinois University School of Medicine to create a “medical-legal partnership” for its patients in the Springfield area.
Funded with $215,000 in federal grant funds this year and next, the partnership provides on-site legal services from lawyers at Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation to patients of the SIU Center for Family Medicine.”
Read the full article on The State Journal-Register’s website.