
Health Center MLP Environmental Scan: Findings and Examples from the Field

By NCMLP, GW SPH, CrescentCare, Eskenazi Health

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

On April 26th, 2023, the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership hosted a webinar presenting the findings of the 2022 Health Center MLP Environmental Scan. The Environmental Scan aimed to increase our understanding of the accessibility and availability of MLPs to meet the evolving needs of low-income patients and communities served by HRSA-funded Health Centers and… Read more »Read More

Patients Systems / Cost Workforce Webinars & Podcasts COVID-19 Health Centers

Tips to Help Health Centers Address Disability & Chronic Disease Discrimination

By Katie Hathaway, JD; Bethany Hamilton, JD
National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership, Health Outreach Partners

Friday, July 22, 2022

In 2020, approximately 30 million adults and children in medically underserved communities received comprehensive, primary and preventative health care and enabling services from 1,462 HRSA Health Center Program awardees and look-alikes. According to research studies, this growing patient population has become increasingly complex with multiple chronic conditions and higher rates of social risk factors. In addition to ensuring that their patients with chronic conditions and disabilities are able to access care, health centers and look-alike programs are also well-positioned to help these patients prevent and address a very specific health-harming social risk factor: disability discrimination.Read More

Patients NCMLP-Authored Reports & Fact Sheets Tools & Job Aids Complex Care COVID-19 Health Centers
Tips to Help Health Centers Address Disability and Chronic Disease Discrimination Tip Sheet

The Unique Role of Medical-Legal Partnerships in Helping Health Centers Address Disability & Chronic Disease Discrimination | Webinar Series

By The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership, Health Outreach Partners

The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership (NCMLP), in collaboration with Health Outreach Partners (HOP), offered four 90-minute webinars designed to help health centers address and redress discrimination against people living with disabilities or chronic disease. Given the prevalence of chronic diseases like diabetes, asthma, HIV/AIDS, depression, heart disease, and others, many health center patients face… Read more »Read More

Webinars & Podcasts COVID-19 Health Centers

Eviction Crisis Virtual Town Hall: Eliminating the Existential Threat to our Recovery

By The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership
The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership joined forces with the National Legal Aid and Defender Association and the Network for Public Health Law to convene a panel of national experts (Emily Benfer, Kerri Lowrey, Rachel Garland and other health and housing experts) to host a virtual town hall discussion with a multidisciplinary audience from around… Read more »Read More

Patients Webinars & Podcasts COVID-19