Wednesday, December 9, 2020
This webinar covers best practices and strategies for employing the MLP model to serve agricultural worker communities....Read More
Friday, November 20, 2020
This webinar unpacks how to identify which of patients' social determinants of health (SDOH) needs are legal needs, and how to determine the type and volume of legal staffing needed at health centers....Read More
Monday, June 15, 2020
The Health Center Association of Nebraska, in partnership with Health Outreach Partners, created a seven-episode podcast exploring different aspects of health center enabling services. Episode four is a conversation with Ellen Lawton, director of the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership, who shares how health centers can integrate community legal services into their on‐going SDOH work, and how to think about measuring the value of legal services in the health center context. The interview focuses on how to align enabling services screening, data collection and interventions with medical-legal partnership services within a specific population or SDOH domain. ...Read More
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing protocols have forced legal aid offices and medical-legal partnerships to deliver legal services remotely. This town hall featured teams from Los Angeles, Montana, and Alaska who have experience delivering remote medical-legal partnership services in urban, rural, and frontier settings. Panelists addressed a number of the challenges presented by telelegal work, including collaborating with partners at a distance, meeting with patient-clients remotely, communicating with patient-clients who have limited access to technology, dealing with court and agency closures, signing and notarizing documents electronically, and planning for the medium- and long-term legal consequences of the pandemic....Read More