Saturday, November 12, 2016

Article: How MLP experiences relate to competency-based milestones in residency training

Through a case study, this Perspective explores how residents can address health-harming legal needs working in partnership with interprofessional health care teams that include lawyers, and illustrates how such MLP experiences can relate to competency-based Milestones that are applicable to training residents in all specialties....Read More

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Article: Examining medical-legal partnerships for Veterans in three states

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) clinics are embedding lawyers in their health care teams to address nonmedical barriers to care. This article published in Health Affairs traces the benefits of these medical-legal partnerships for Veterans in California, Connecticut, and New York, and looks ahead to how the VA may grow these programs....Read More

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Article: Study finds patients who receive MLP services are more stably housed

A study comparing patients who received a medical-legal partnership (MLP) intervention to a comparison group found that the MLP group were more likely to achieve adequate, affordable, and stable housing than those in a comparison group....Read More

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Article: Addressing pediatric SDOH with medical-legal partnership

Pediatric care facilities are increasingly incorporating social determinants of health into the way they structure the treatment of children, particularly those living below the poverty line. In this Pediatrics artiicle, the authors discuss the success of medical-legal partnership services in reducing stress, improving overall health and well-being, and leading community-level change to improve health care....Read More