Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Brief: Socially vulnerable older adults & medical-legal partnership

This issue brief describes the pressing legal needs facing older adults, and ways that coordinating health care, legal, and social services can improve their care and well-being. The report details three medical-legal partnership programs serving older adults and their impact on preventing homelessness, improving financial stability, and more....Read More

Monday, February 11, 2019

Fact sheet: Complex care health settings and medical-legal partnerships

This fact sheet describes five complex care settings that have integrated medical-legal partnership services into care delivery. It also features data on the ways these partnerships have demonstrated initial success in improving both physical and mental health conditions as well as stabilizing income and housing for patients with complex conditions while also curbing costly overuse of health care services by addressing the root causes of patients’ problems....Read More

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Fact sheet: Homelessness, health and medical-legal partnerships

This fact sheet describes common social and legal needs that affect the health of homeless individuals, and ways integrated legal services can help meet those needs. It includes data from a study in Connecticut and New York City highlighting the housing and mental health benefits of MLP services for homeless veterans....Read More

Monday, September 10, 2018

Medical-legal partnership origin story: People’s Community Clinic in Austin

This medical-legal partnership origin story traces the Austin team's planning process, how the nuts and bolts of the partnership came together, and how it's expanded over time. Through interviews with more than a dozen front-line staff and administrators, the story also looks at how legal services fit in the health center's broader social determinants of health strategy. Partners at People's and Texas Legal Services Center share why they think the real value of medical-legal partnership is in using legal expertise to inform clinical processes so that the health center is as safe and empowering a place for patients to receive care as possible....Read More