Thursday, February 4, 2021

Patients-to-Policy Learning Collaborative Part 2: Applying the MLP approach to Housing for Patients with Complex Needs

The second part of the Patients-to-Policy Learning Collaborative was moderated by Ashley Maddison, JD, Equal Justice Works Fellow at Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers and covered MLP strategies to address housing needs for patients with complex care needs....Read More

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Patients-to-Policy Learning Collaborative Part 1: An Introduction to Health, Housing and the Role of MLPs

The first Patients-to-Policy Learning Collaborative gave the participants an overview of housing as a social determinant of health and the essential role played by MLPs in addressing the current housing crisis....Read More

Monday, December 21, 2020

Health Center Toolkit Webinar Series Part 2: Funding, MoUs & Sustainability

Expert practitioners from Indiana and Montana presented their strategies on funding, MoUs & sustainability employed by medical-legal partnerships....Read More

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Webinar: New Medical-Legal Partnership Practices and Strategies in Agricultural Worker Communities

This webinar covers best practices and strategies for employing the MLP model to serve agricultural worker communities....Read More