Thursday, April 2, 2020
This tip sheet offers eight strategies every medical-legal partnerships can adopt to respond to operational challenges presented by COVID-19 and to help meet the needs of their communities during the pandemic....Read More
Monday, March 30, 2020
This town hall conversation explored strategies for coordinating health and legal efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic, and ways to navigate medical-legal partnership operational challenges during the crisis. Special attention was given to ongoing work nationally to prevent evictions during the pandemic....Read More
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Social Determinants of Health Academy is a HRSA-funded virtual training series designed to help staff from health centers, health center controlled networks, and primary care associations develop, implement, and sustain SDOH interventions in their clinics and communities. The SDOH Academy’s website hosts dozens of free recorded trainings....Read More
Monday, June 10, 2019
Based on interviews with 40 clinicians in health care settings that offer vulnerable patients access to civil legal services, this white paper examines clinicians' perceptions related to their role and preferences when it comes to addressing social determinants of health. Using medical-legal partnership as one promising intervention, the paper illustrates the features of the model that clinicians perceive to be most attractive and beneficial for patient care. Among the paper's findings, clinicians reported feeling that legal services resolved patient issues efficiently and effectively, and that the co-location / accessibility of in-house legal services was one of the most valued aspects of the model....Read More