Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Article: Study shows medical students more likely to screen for SDOH after medical-legal education

In 2011, the authors implemented a four-session didactic interprofessional curriculum on medical–legal practice for third-year medical students at Morehouse School of Medicine. This program, also attended by law students, focused on interprofessional collaboration to address client/patient social determinant of health (SDOH) issues and health-harming legal needs. Postintervention survey results indicated that students self-reported an increased likelihood to screen patients for SDOH issues and an increased likelihood to refer patients to a legal resource....Read More

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Article: How MLP experiences relate to competency-based milestones in residency training

Through a case study, this Perspective explores how residents can address health-harming legal needs working in partnership with interprofessional health care teams that include lawyers, and illustrates how such MLP experiences can relate to competency-based Milestones that are applicable to training residents in all specialties....Read More

Friday, January 9, 2015

Articles: Health center CEOs share why they partner with legal services

Three articles in the National Association of Community Health Center magazine trace the origins of medical-legal partnership and feature interviews with health center CEOs about why they embrace legal services at their clinics....Read More

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Article: The role of MLP in graduate legal education

This article describes opportunities to incorporate medical-legal partnership concepts and training into interprofessional graduate education, with a special focus on law school clinics and practicum courses....Read More