Friday, July 24, 2020
Older Americans experience a range of complex and overlapping health and social challenges. These challenges include chronic disease management, functional limitations, emotional and financial abuse, understanding and accessing long-term care options, understanding and navigating insurance plans, social isolation, and barriers to accessing health care. This fact sheet looks at how integrating medical and legal services for older health center patients can help mitigate these challenges and begin to comprehensively address problems that directly impact a patient’s health and well-being. It examines how these partnerships work, and highlights two medical-legal partnership programs for seniors in San Francisco and Boston....Read More
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
A recent study examined the impact of unmet legal needs on hospital readmission rates at the SIU Family and Community Medicine inpatient...Read More
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
This white paper examines three years (FY 2015-2017) of financial benefit to Seattle Children's Hospital and its patients as a result of medical-legal partnership services. The program recovered nearly $700,000 for the hospital, helped patients avoid over 100 days of hospital admissions, and helped 23 families gain $469,446 total in additional financial benefits....Read More
Monday, October 14, 2019
The AHEAD Medical-Legal Partnership Patient and Community Health Pre/Post Survey provides a core set of questions that assess the impact of legal interventions on a patient’s perception of her health and the quality of services receives from an MLP. The survey is designed for broad applicability across different intervention models and describes specific administration instructions for the pre- and post- surveys in detail....Read More