Wednesday, December 9, 2020
This webinar covers best practices and strategies for employing the MLP model to serve agricultural worker communities....Read More
Friday, October 23, 2020
This infographic explains the difference between "social determinants of health," "social needs," and "legal needs." It also demonstrates how different team members--community health workers, case managers / social workers, and lawyers--each help address patients' social needs in different ways and where medical-legal partnership fits within a health care organization's larger response to social determinants of health (SDOH)....Read More
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
This toolkit provides the health center community with information and resources to start, strengthen, and sustain a medical-legal partnership (MLP). The toolkit can be used both by health centers new to MLP who want help with the initial planning process and by health centers that are already actively providing legal services, but want help facilitating continuous quality improvement conversations to address issues like low/high referral volumes or funding instability....Read More
Thursday, October 1, 2020
This brief summarizes peer-reviewed observational studies from January 2013 - August 2020 that demonstrate evidence of medical-legal partnerships' impact in five areas....Read More