Monday, November 5, 2012
An Arizona study assessed the stress levels of patients before and after receiving legal services, and found that MLP intervention led to a reduction in perceived stress and an improvement in overall wellbeing. ...Read More
Monday, October 1, 2012
A study in New York City found that medical-legal partnership housing interventions for adult asthma patients reduced hospital admissions and the need for medication....Read More
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
A three-year study of a rural medical-legal partnership showed the hospital made a 319% return on its investment in MLP services by recovering dollars for clinical services that were previously unable to be reimbursed before the MLP helped patients become insured....Read More
Thursday, December 8, 2011
A medical-legal partnership at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta saw 76 children with sickle cell disease over a six-year period to assist with a range of legal issues. It was found that MLP services resulted in a range of social and financial benefits for families....Read More