Friday, April 24, 2015

Article: Improving outcomes for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities using MLP

This article explains how incorporating advocacy and legal services directly into a clinical setting provides better outcomes for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities who might not otherwise have access to critically needed services. ...Read More

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Article: In study, MLP services reduced ED use among high-need, high-use patients

A one-year pilot study of high-need, high-use patients at Lancaster General Health showed that 95 percent of patients studied had 2-3 civil legal problems each. The study also found that when those problems were addressed, inpatient and Emergency Department use dropped 50 percent, and overall health care costs went down 45 percent. ...Read More

Friday, January 9, 2015

Articles: Health center CEOs share why they partner with legal services

Three articles in the National Association of Community Health Center magazine trace the origins of medical-legal partnership and feature interviews with health center CEOs about why they embrace legal services at their clinics....Read More

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Article: A pilot integrating legal services into Healthy Start home visiting programs

This article in the Journal of Legal Medicine details a pilot that integrated legal services into a federally-funded Healthy Start program intensive home visiting model, and the benefits for individuals and home visiting staff....Read More