Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Article: Addressing pediatric SDOH with medical-legal partnership

Pediatric care facilities are increasingly incorporating social determinants of health into the way they structure the treatment of children, particularly those living below the poverty line. In this Pediatrics artiicle, the authors discuss the success of medical-legal partnership services in reducing stress, improving overall health and well-being, and leading community-level change to improve health care....Read More

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Article: Pinpointing clusters of high asthma morbidity using housing and health data

Researchers at Cincinnati Children's Medical Center examined how local agencies that enforce housing policies can partner with the health care organizations to pinpoint potential clusters of high asthma morbidity....Read More

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Article: Addressing energy insecurity with medical-legal partnership

Working within a medical-legal partnership, an urban hospital-based pediatric practice standardized criteria for providers approving medical need utility certification requests. Authors compared prior-year utility certification requests and approvals (pre-intervention) with the intervention year for families who reported energy insecurity on a waiting-room screening questionnaire. Between the first and second years of the study, certification of medical need approvals increased by 65 percent, preventing utility shut-offs for 396 more families with vulnerable children....Read More

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Article: Medical-legal strategies to improve infant health care, A randomized trial

A study at Boston Medical Center, a large urban safety-net hospital, incorporated medical-legal partnership services into an intervention for families of healthy newborns receiving primary care. Low-income families assigned to the intervention group were found to have an increase in use of preventive health care and had greater access to concrete supports....Read More