Thursday, January 18, 2018

Article: MLP connected to improved glycemic control in youth with diabetes

A study of an intervention among youth with type 1 diabetes, which included medical-legal partnership counsel as a key element, found that 30 percent of youth accepted legal counsel. Youth enrolled in the program were found to demonstrate significant improvement in their glycemic control after one year of the intervention, as compared to youth not enrolled in the program....Read More

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Article: Two-year study of MLP services showed improved housing and psychosocial outcomes for Veterans

Veterans in Connecticut and New York who accessed legal services showed significant improvements in housing, income, and mental health during a two-year study. Veterans who received more medical-legal partnership services showed greater improvements in housing and mental health than those who received fewer services, and those who achieved their predefined legal goals showed greater improvements in housing status and community integration than those who did not....Read More

Friday, July 14, 2017

Article: A systematic review of MLP’s role in bridging health disparities in patient care

This article is a review of observational studies, published from January 1993-January 2016, to investigate the capacity of medical-legal partnerships to address legal and health disparities. The authors identified 13 articles for qualitative analysis from an initial pool of 355 records, four of which directly addressed the impact of MLP intervention on patient wellbeing and/or patient utilization of health care services....Read More

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Article: Study finds patients who receive MLP services are more stably housed

A study comparing patients who received a medical-legal partnership (MLP) intervention to a comparison group found that the MLP group were more likely to achieve adequate, affordable, and stable housing than those in a comparison group....Read More