Trainings to develop, implement, and sustain SDOH interventions
Monday, January 27, 2020
By The Social Determinants of Healthy Academy
Watch free trainings on The SDOH Academy website
The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership is a proud member of steering committee for The Social Determinants of Health Academy, a HRSA-funded virtual training series designed to help staff from health centers, health center controlled networks, and primary care associations develop, implement, and sustain SDOH interventions in their clinics and communities. The SDOH Academy’s website hosts dozens of free, recorded trainings to help health centers:
- Initiate, develop, and sustain community partnerships to reduce disparities;
- Optimize emerging Medicaid payment innovations to develop, launch and sustain activities that address their patients SDOH needs;
- Explore key issues impacting the health of rural communities;
- Humanize enabling services data;
- Build a workforce to care for sexual and gender minority patients; and
- Create equitable emergency and disaster preparedness.