Thursday, January 30, 2025
The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership (NCMLP) kicked off Part One of its new webinar series, “Partnering with Legal Aid Providers to Improve Behavioral and Mental Health” with a panel of healthcare and legal experts explored how unmet social and legal needs impact behavioral and mental health access and outcomes for low-income and diverse adult patient populations. The panel explained how and why they formed CCBHC-based MLP, and discussed how their model works to identify, address, and prevent legal needs from impacting the health and well-being of their adult patients.
Our Panelists:
– Erika Kerber, Esq., President/Executive Director, Community Health Law Project
– Sean Benoit, Esq., Director of Litigation, Community Health Law Project
– Rehana Rasool, Esq., Managing Attorney, Community Health Law Project
– Sandy Newman, Client Resource Manager and Client Advocate, Care Plus NJ
– Brigitte D. Johnson, Esq., President and CEO, Care Plus NJ
This concluding session shifts the focus from adults to children and adolescents, exploring how a Medical-Legal Partnership (MLP) approach can enhance pediatric behavioral and mental health care. This series is a key resource for health systems that seek to strengthen performance in the areas of population health and SDOH.