Friday, April 11, 2008

Article: Rural MLP demonstrates return on investment

Through secondary data analysis, this study evaluates a program that offered legal services to help patients at a rural hospital address health-related legal issues, including Medicaid reimbursement, Social Security benefits, medication coverage, and divorce. Based on the analysis of reimbursements to expenditures, the medical-legal partnership was cost-effective and thereby economically sustainable....Read More

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Article: How medical-legal partnership contributes to legal education and training

This paper examines how collaborations between law schools and medical practices can provide rich educational and training opportunities for students to engage in interdisciplinary lawyering....Read More

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Resolution: American Academy of Pediatrics supports medical-legal partnership

The American Academy of Pediatrics passed a resolution “encouraging closer and more frequent collaboration between legal service and medical professionals” and specifically promoted medical-legal partnership as a strategy to improve the health and well-being of children....Read More

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Article: Why it is important to take a patient’s social history

This article suggests that medical care must evolve to include screening for selective social factors into clinical practice to augment public health and social policy changes. This article is the first published reference to the I-HELP social needs screening acronym used by many medical-legal partnerships....Read More