Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Resolution: American Medical Association Board of Trustees report recommends MLP

The Board of Trustees to the American Medical Association released a report that encourages physicians to develop medical-legal partnerships (MLPs) to help identify and resolve diverse legal issues that affect patients’ health and well-being....Read More

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Article: Study shows improved patient well-being, access to food and income supports after MLP services

A 36-month study of pediatric patients receiving medical-legal partnership services showed that two-thirds of respondents reported improved child health and well-being due to increased awareness and use of free legal services and increased access to food and income supports....Read More

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Brief: MLPs addressing the unmet legal needs of health center patients

This brief argues that health centers approach to comprehensive care and high proportion of low-income patients makes it an excellent entry point for low-income populations to legal services....Read More

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Article: Palliative care-based MLP recovered nearly $1 milllion for hospital

A palliative care-based MLP helped patients enroll in previously denied health care coverage, and helped the hospital recover $923,188 in unreimbursed clinical services....Read More