Wednesday, April 22, 2015
A one-year pilot study of high-need, high-use patients at Lancaster General Health showed that 95 percent of patients studied had 2-3 civil legal problems each. The study also found that when those problems were addressed, inpatient and Emergency Department use dropped 50 percent, and overall health care costs went down 45 percent. ...Read More
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
This article explores the feasibility of using electronic medical records (EMRs) as a way to assess and manage social needs in a clinical setting, particularly those serving vulnerable populations. Three case studies, including one on medical-legal partnership, highlight multiple functions that EMRs can perform to facilitate the integration of social determinants of health into clinical systems, including screening, triaging, referring, tracking, and data sharing....Read More
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Partnering across sectors requires learning to describe your mission and work in your partner’s framework and language. In medical-legal partnership, this means re-framing civil legal needs as social determinants of health and describing the benefits of civil legal aid in health and health care terms. This messaging guide is intended to help civil legal aid practitioners message their work to health care audiences....Read More
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
This chart outlines some of the most common social problems faced by vulnerable communities, and how legal expertise and services can help mitigate their negative impact on health and health care. It can be used as a training tool and also to help communicate the value of an MLP. ...Read More