Monday, March 5, 2018

Article: The role of medical-legal partnership in promoting health equity

This article shares how medical-legal partnerships help treat issues that drive health inequities. The authors identify multiple models for delivering medical-legal partnership services in clinical settings, and examined how health care organizations adapt the intervention to best meet the specific needs of its patients. While the models of delivery vary, the paper's authors also identified eight core elements that define the intervention, and offer recommendations to bring these partnerships to scale....Read More

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Brief: How medical-legal partnership services can help address the opioid crisis

This issue brief examines how legal services--delivered alongside medical and behavioral health services--can help support recovery from substance use disorders. The brief highlights case studies of individuals in recovery who were aided by medical-legal partnership services, and looks at how existing programs in Ohio, Indiana, and Nevada work. The brief offers a window into how legal services, integrated into existing recovery efforts, can play a role in alleviating the opioid crisis....Read More

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Article: MLP connected to improved glycemic control in youth with diabetes

A study of an intervention among youth with type 1 diabetes, which included medical-legal partnership counsel as a key element, found that 30 percent of youth accepted legal counsel. Youth enrolled in the program were found to demonstrate significant improvement in their glycemic control after one year of the intervention, as compared to youth not enrolled in the program....Read More

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Brief: A closer look at operations and financing for health center-based MLPs

This issue brief describes how and where health-center based partnerships operate, and how state primary care associations are supporting these programs. It also discusses how health-center based MLPs are financed, with a spotlight on four states that integrate financing for legal services in Medicaid payment arrangements....Read More