Fostering Sustainability through Performance Measurement in Health Center Medical-Legal Partnerships: Insights from a Diverse Learning Collaborative

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

By James Teufel, MPH, PhD, Consultant for the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership

This issue brief authored by James Teufel, MPH, PhD highlights the crucial role of sustainability in clinical settings, focusing on medical-legal partnerships (MLPs) within health centers. Based on insights from a learning collaborative hosted by the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership (NCMLP) and supported by the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA), we present performance measures across eight dimensions to assess MLP sustainability. Building on the NCMLP Performance Measures Handbook (April 2016), these measures cover financial and non-financial aspects, addressing resistance to innovation and emphasizing the importance of communicating value, long-term planning, and securing funding.