We host a range of free webinars and learning collaboratives to help health organizations incorporate legal expertise and services into their approach to addressing health-related social needs, and to help legal organizations align their service delivery with health partners.
Upcoming Webinars
MLP in Action Webinar Series: Understanding and Addressing the Health-Related Legal Needs of Older Adults and their Families
All of us experience health-related legal needs as we age, but the nature and urgency of those needs are particularly acute for vulnerable populations of older adults. On March 26 and April 24, 2025, NCMLP will host two webinars featuring presentations by subject matter experts that aim to equip healthcare providers and MLP teams with: 1) information about the health-related legal needs of older adults and their families, and 2) actionable strategies for improving access to care and outcomes by identifying and addressing these unique needs. More information about each part of the webinar series appears below. Join us by registering for each webinar and help us spread the word about these free training opportunities.
Part 1- March 26, 2025, at 2.30 PM ET
On March 26, 2025 at 2:30 – 3:30 PM ET, leading expert Sarah M. Hooper, JD (Professor of Practice and Executive Director, UCSF-UC Law SF Consortium on Law, Science & Health Policy) will help the audience understand the unique health-related legal needs of vulnerable older adults and their families. Hooper will then help the audience understand 1) why it is important to identify such needs early in older adults, and 2) the financial and other pain points that often arise for patients, caregivers, and health care teams during transitions of care when those needs go undetected. The audience will gain an understanding of strategies for screening and follow-on care, including the role of medical-legal partnerships.
Part 2- April 24, 2025, at 2 PM ET
On April 24, 2025 at 2 – 3 PM ET, the audience will hear from Katy McKee, JD (Supervising Attorney of the Pennsylvania Health Law Project) and Jessica Lippert (Paralegal, Pennsylvania Health Law Project) will showcase examples of their approach in Pennsylvania to help build the capacity of the audience to apply lessons learned and take steps towards improving how they address the health-harming legal needs of seniors in their patient populations and communities.
MLP Fundamentals Group Coaching Sessions: Information-Sharing and Privacy Essentials (Session 2-4)- March 28, April 4, and April 11, 2025, at 2 – 3:30 PM ET
The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership’s new MLP Fundamentals Group Coaching Sessions is a dynamic four-part series designed to deepen your understanding of core MLP concepts through guided coaching, real-world case discussions, and expert insights. To support MLP practitioners in one of the most challenging areas of MLP implementation, we’re focusing on “Information-Sharing and Privacy Essentials.” Each session will explore critical considerations in patient data exchange within MLPs, including: Best practices for information-sharing between healthcare and legal partners; Key privacy laws and regulations (HIPAA and 42 CFR Part 2); Strategies for balancing collaboration and confidentiality in MLP settings
What to Expect:
– Engaging presentations from MLP and privacy law experts
– A collaborative, small-group coaching format to explore challenges and solutions
– Practical tools and takeaways to enhance your MLP practice
Subject Matter Experts to Facilitate the Sessions:
- Jay Sicklick, JD, Visiting Assistant Clinical Professor of Law, University of Connecticut
- Keegan Warren, JD, LLM, Executive Director, The Institute for Healthcare Access at Texas A&M Health
Upcoming Learning Collaborative
Getting the Funding You Need: Building Effective Relationships & Pitches – Sessions will be held weekly on Wednesdays from April 2, 2025 through April 23, 2025 (11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PT / 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. ET)
As medical-legal partnership (MLP) teams look to strengthen their programs’ long-term sustainability, it is important to be able to convey MLP work and outcomes to potential funders succinctly, compellingly, and in a way that marries MLP to funders’ mission and priorities. In this 4-part interactive learning collaborative – presented by the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership – participants will strengthen their communications skills and develop a pitch deck unique to their organization and program that they can use with potential funders and other stakeholders. Learn more about this interactive MLP learning collaborative here.
Are you interested in being a presenter on one of our training and technical assistance (TTA) events?
Please click the link below to complete our brief presenter interest form today. We will follow up with you to learn more about your expertise and provide additional information on our upcoming opportunities. Note: If you have a resource to share, please send us an email at ncmlp@gwu.edu.
Presenter / Speaker Interest Form