The Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has awarded $600,000 to the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine to develop a collaborative program designed to improve health outcomes and lower health care costs for Type 2 diabetes patients in Southeast Ohio.
Funding from the three-year HRSA grant will support the expansion of two programs: the Medical-Legal Partnership Program (MLP) and the Diabetes Patient Navigator Program. The MLP will be led by Southeast Ohio Legal Services (SEOLS), which provides legal help without attorney fees to people with low income and limited savings. The MLP will help clients better understand their legal rights to health care benefits; assist them with work, housing and financial issues; and ensure they have recourse when they have been wrongfully denied services and benefits.
The Diabetes Patient Navigator, led by the Patient Navigator Program at the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, will offer nurse navigation support to patients struggling to manage their diabetes. The navigator will work closely with individuals to identify factors that may affect their ability to manage diabetes, such as limited literacy, mental health issues or unsafe living situations.