Posts Categorized: News from the National Center

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Report examines how MLP can help tackle the opioid crisis

A new report released today by the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership examines how legal services delivered alongside medical and behavioral health...Read More

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Report spotlights 4 states that finance legal services thru Medicaid payments

Health centers represent the fastest growing sector for MLP adoption across the health care system; the number of health centers operating MLPs in 2016 represents...Read More

Monday, December 11, 2017

The role of medical-legal partnership in open enrollment: Spotlight on North Carolina

Access to health insurance and health care is a critical social determinant of health, and with a shortened open enrollment period this...Read More

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Celebrating the 10-year anniversaries of AAP and ABA medical-legal partnership resolutions

This fall marks the 10th anniversary of a pivotal moment in the medical-legal partnership movement. In 2007, just one year after the...Read More