Maureen Darrow (ctr) with Kelly Scott from the ABA (l) and JoHanna Flacks from MLP | Boston (r) (Photo credit: Becky Crowder)
Three awards were given during the 8th annual Medical-Legal Partnership Summit on Friday, April 12 to honor individuals and programs for their work on behalf of vulnerable individuals and families and to advance the medical-legal partnership movement.
Maureen Darrow received the ABA Outstanding Pro Bono Advocacy in MLP Award for her work with the Medical-Legal Partnership | Boston. The award was established in 2011, and is given annually by the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service to recognize pro bono partners for their critical role in expanding the value of medical-legal partnerships. Ms. Darrow is Corporate Counsel for MetLife in Boston, Massachusetts.
Liz Tobin Tyler was honored with The Distinguished MLP Advocate Award for her longstanding leadership in the medical-legal partnership movement. Following the establishment of the Rhode Island Medical-Legal Partnership,

Liz Tobin Tyler (ctr) with NCMLP’s Joel Teitelbaum (l) and Ellen Lawton (r) (Photo credit: Becky Crowder)
one of the earliest MLPs, Ms. Tobin Tyler developed the first joint law and medical school course focused on training law, medical and public health students about the dynamic of poverty through medical-legal partnership. She is the lead editor of the MLP textbook, Poverty, Health & Law: Readings and Cases for Medical-Legal Partnership. She served on the Transitional Board of Directors for the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership from 2011-2013, and she lectures widely on medical-legal partnership. Ms. Tobin Tyler is the Director of Public Service and Community Partnerships and a Lecturer in Public Interest Law at Roger Williams University School of Law.
The Distinguished MLP Advocate Award was established in 2011, and is given annually by the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership to recognize individuals for their exceptional leadership and outstanding service on behalf of vulnerable individuals and families through medical-legal partnership.
The Chicago Medical-Legal Partnership for Children was also honored with The Outstanding MLP Awardf or its longstanding leadership in the MLP Network, and especially for its outstanding policy work on behalf of vulnerable children. From its early research efforts on the impact of advocacy on NICU babies, the Chicago MLPC has continually sought to elevate the healthcare voice in its policy efforts.

Attorney Sarah O’Connor, Attorney Amy Zimmerman and Dr. Karen Goldstein from the Chicago MLPC (Photo credit: Becky Crowder)
The Chicago MLPC was established in 2000. Today it is a partnership among Health and Disability Advocates, Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago, Friend Family Health Center, La Ribida Children’s Hospital, Lurie Children’s Hospital and University of Chicago Comer Children’s Hospital.
The award is given annually by the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership to recognize MLP programs for their innovative work on behalf of vulnerable populations, as well as for their significant contributions to advancing the national medical-legal partnership movement.