Posts By: kmarple

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Recorder: “Sometimes a Lawyer is the Best Medicine”

There’s a new kind of specialist at Children’s Hospital and Research Center Oakland. Like longtime doctors there, she sees patients suffering from...Read More

Monday, April 10, 2006

Boston Globe: “BMC to Go National with Legal Aid Program”

Sometimes lawyers, not doctors, can be the key to good health. That principle drives a Boston Medical Center program that relies on...Read More

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

NPR’s All Things Considered: “Doctors, Lawyers Team to Aid Children’s Health”

As part of a series that NPR's All Things Considered did on low-wage America, Daniel Zwerdling reports on a medical-legal partnership at...Read More

Wednesday, May 16, 2001

The New York Times: “Boston Medical Center Turns to Lawyers for a Cure”

A doctor gets very tired of this kind of thing: sending a child with asthma home to an apartment full of roaches...Read More