Posts By: kmarple

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Housing help that paved the way for cancer surgery and remission

When a Nebraska woman canceled her mastectomy because she received an eviction notice and feared she would not have a place to recover, the medical-legal partnership team went to work. Oncologist Kerry Rodabaugh recalls the journey that ended with remission....Read More

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Improving blood sugar with food benefits

When Eric Campbell’s blood sugar suddenly went up, his doctor asked him, “What changed?” He said his food benefits had decreased. While helping Eric, the medical-legal partnership team at Whittier Clinic found an administrative error that affected hundreds of families....Read More

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Patient Engagement HIT: “How Medical-Legal Partnerships Support Community Health Projects”

Cook County Health & Hospitals System and LAF of Chicago are using medical-legal partnerships to support community health projects and improve social...Read More

Monday, October 2, 2017

Reducing asthma admissions by “hotspotting” housing code violations

When a Cincinnati medical-legal partnership saw several kids with asthma whose families were threatened with evictions for using their medically-recommended air conditioners, the MLP started asking, “Who owns the building?” What they learned helped them transform 700 units of housing in the community....Read More