Posts By: kmarple

Monday, October 16, 2017

“We ask the questions because now we have solutions.”

If you don't think you can help with a problem, you won't ask about it. Having a lawyer on the team has given health care providers confidence that if they ask about social factors, there is help, and that intractable problems have solutions....Read More

Monday, October 16, 2017

“Working with lawyers removes the excuse of non-compliance.”

Dr. Bob Pettignano from Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta says having lawyers on the team make residents and physicians dig deeper when patients don’t comply with medical treatments....Read More

Saturday, October 14, 2017

“MLP informs our policy initiatives from the patient level.”

Bob Marsalli, Executive Director of the Montana Primary Care Association, shares how medical-legal partnerships can bring the patient perspective to policy efforts....Read More

Friday, October 13, 2017

Preventing homelessness in 15 minutes

When a patient’s mother called pediatrician Megan Sandel to say her housing voucher was going to be cancelled and her family was going to become homeless, the medical-legal partnership was able to prevent it…in 15 minutes....Read More