Workforce Development: Promising Practices in Trainings to Meet the Needs of MLP Providers & Patients

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

By National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership

The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership (MLP) is hosting a 4-part webinar series to disseminate the Health Center MLP Toolkit providing information and resources on how to start, strengthen, and sustain an MLP. In this third session, MLP training experts Kate Marple and Ellen Lawton highlighted and shared promising practices for implementing training models that strengthen interdisciplinary partnerships and to efficiently respond to the MLP training needs of providers and patients. This webinar aimed to help health centers who are developing or have an established MLP increase their capacity to build a stable, committed, and skilled workforce that can meet the health-harming legal needs of their patients and communities.

Attendees heard from:

•  Kate Marple, Principal Consultant, Who Tells the Story?
•  Ellen Lawton, Senior Fellow, HealthBegins
•  Noel Rees, Program Manager, Washington Medical-Legal Partnership

Join us on other webinars in the series to learn more about the following Health Center MLP fundamentals:

•  Patients to Policy Initiatives
•  Evaluation and sustainability for MLPs

Revisit past webinars in this series:

• Understanding the Current Social Needs of Health Center Patients, September 20, 2022
Developing Screening, Referral, & Service Delivery Workflows for MLPs, October 18, 2022

Watch the Recording