Guide: Collecting health data in LegalServer case management system

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

By Mallory Curran National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership

In order to help civil legal aid programs document and describe their crucial contributions to the health of their communities, the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership (NCMLP) released a comprehensive guide to collecting health and health care data in LegalServer, a case management system used by many civil legal aid organizations. The guide walks through how to configure LegalServer with medical-legal partnership fields, and was developed with input from six civil legal aid offices with active MLPs: Community Legal Aid Society, Inc. (Delaware), Community Legal Services of Philadelphia, Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation, Inc., Legal Aid of Arkansas, Legal Aid of Western New York, Inc., and Montana Legal Services Association.

You can also click here to watch the recording of a webinar explaining these features and how to use them.